...on Television

...on Television


"...on Television" or "...on TV", was a long-running late night television programme on ITV. The programme, which was made first by LWT and then Granada Productions, featured a number of clips from unusual or, amusing television programmes and commercials from around the world. The show was first presented by TV critic and journalist Clive James, then celebrity chef Keith Floyd in 1989, and finally Chris Tarrant from 1990 to 2006. The show remained "Tarrant on TV" for 16 years.

Where to Watch ...on Television Online

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...on Television Trailer

...on Television Seasons

...on Television Episodes

Title Air Date Duration
Season 1Episode 1The Dark Ages52 min
Season 1Episode 2Television as a Tool50 min
Season 1Episode 3The Epidemic65 min
Season 1Episode 4Breakthroughs68 min
Season 1Episode 5The New Guard72 min
