Deep in the forest lives Millie, a friendly, fearless young girl and her best friend Lou, a clever cautious little cat. Millie and Lou share the forest with exciting creatures, the Forest Folk, all based on mythical folklore. Together, these BFFs are on a magical mission to meet every single one.
Art | Mandy Wong | Art Direction |
Art | Fergal O'Donnell | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Sarah Hiorns | Storyboard Artist |
Production | Daniel Isman | Executive Producer |
Art | Luca Tagliarini | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Adam Shaw | Creative Director |
Visual Effects | Lucy Gatenby | Compositing Artist |
Visual Effects | Aimee Langford | Compositing Artist |
Production | Alison Warner | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Walt Habgood | Compositing Lead |
Editing | Judith Allen | Editor |
Production | Denise Green | Producer |
Production | Nikitha Mannam | Production Manager |
Visual Effects | Elijah Mazur | Character Designer |
Production | Oli Hyatt | Executive Producer |
Art | Jessica Jackson | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | Ashley Howard | Compositing Artist |