Emoyeni is a South African supernatural anthology miniseries which follows the journeys of individuals plagued by loss, fear, guilt, pain and desire whose lives are turned upside down when they encounter supernatural experiences. Each of these people must confront their fears and embrace the supernatural - or suffer forever
Directing | Mmabatho Montsho | Director |
Production | Neil Brandt | Executive Producer |
Sound | Coco Lupu | Music |
Writing | Karabo Lediga | Writer |
Sound | Gregory Nottingham | Music |
Writing | Thishiwe Ziqubu | Creative Producer |
Production | Bridget Pickering | Producer |
Directing | Pheello James Makosholo | Director |
Directing | Perivi Katjavivi | Director |
Production | Dan Jawitz | Executive Producer |
Directing | Thishiwe Ziqubu | Director |