Jaspal Neelam, Vinod Talwar, Dilip Gulati and Kishan Shah directors of the golden age of 'B-movies' take you for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of their films.
Production | Anil Chaudhary | Finance |
Production | Deep Singh Kakkad | Line Producer |
Production | Kabir Ulhas | Production Designer |
Sound | Nitish Rambhadran | Music |
Sound | Karan Malhotra | Music |
Crew | Sukesh Viswanath | Cinematography |
Crew | Omkar Phatak | Cinematography |
Production | Ayansh Paandey | Production Manager |
Production | Golu Pandey | Production Manager |
Crew | Daman Soni | Production Intern |
Crew | Chaunce Philipose | Post-Production Manager |
Sound | Bulganin Baruah | Dialogue Editor |
Sound | Shishir Chousalkar | Sound Designer |
Crew | Vishnu Das | Mix Technician |
Sound | Vaibhav Marathe | Foley Editor |
Camera | Narendra Kumar | Focus Puller |
Crew | Ashim Ahluwalia | Creative Consultant |
Production | Pritesh Kumar Srivastava | Researcher |
Directing | Vasan Bala | Director |