Godspeed follows the journey of Iris (Bryce Charles) and her adorable karaoke-bot sidekick named Bowie as they navigate the desolate landscape and abandoned homes of their crumbling world. Her path takes an unexpected turn when they stumble upon a mysterious broadcast that holds the key to their escape. To get the message, she must survive a planet-ending storm.
Writing | Olan Rogers | Writer |
Production | Billy Huggins | Executive Producer |
Writing | Ben Bjelajac | Writer |
Production | Olan Rogers | Executive Producer |
Directing | Ben Bjelajac | Director |
Writing | Coty Galloway | Staff Writer |
Production | Ben Bjelajac | Executive Producer |
Sound | Jake Sidwell | Music |
Production | Wheeler Manis | Executive Producer |
Production | Hanul Bahm | Producer |
Production | Forrester Kane | Executive Producer |
Sound | Andrew Goodwin | Music |
Production | James Manis | Executive Producer |
Production | Rosa Tran | Executive Producer |
Production | Seth Tyler Jackson | Producer |
Writing | Jez De Wolff | Staff Writer |
Art | Ben Bjelajac | Art Direction |
Writing | Rosa Tran | Staff Writer |
Writing | Forrester Kane | Staff Writer |
Crew | Kieran Connor | Thanks |