Love. Die. Repeat. follows Angela (played by Jennylyn) who lost her husband, Bernard (played by Xian), in a vehicular accident. Stricken by sorrow, she regrets not spending more time with him and questions the heavens for taking him too soon. The next day, Angela wakes up with a feeling of deja vu until she realizes that she’s caught in a time loop – the day her husband died - as if she's forced to relive the worst day of her life.
Directing | Jerry Lopez Sineneng | Director |
Production | Cheryl Ching-Sy | Executive In Charge Of Production |
Crew | Jojo Tawasil Nones | Creative Consultant |
Directing | Irene Villamor | Director |
Production | Mary Joy L. Pili | Executive Producer |
Production | Racquel Atienza-Cadsawan | Executive Producer |