GAIA, the spirit of the Earth, possesses an advanced humanoid robot that wanders in search of Jacob, a misanthropic Television Journalist. A cat-and-mouse game ensues between the darkly kindred spirits as GAIA begins to exterminate the “human problem” by use of our own technology. Eventually Jacob is the only soul that can save the human race, but having witnessed so many of the wrongs our species has done, the real question is... should he?
Sound | Nhick Ramiro Pacis | Music |
Crew | Shen Lin | Cinematography |
Editing | Chad Costen | Editor |
Directing | Chad Costen | Director |
Crew | Chad Costen | Cinematography |
Production | Thomas Emann | Producer |
Writing | Chad Costen | Writer |
Costume & Make-Up | Lorelei Burk | Costume Design |
Art | Natalie Van Hest | Art Direction |
Production | Kayla Cherkas | Producer's Assistant |
Production | Chad Costen | Executive Producer |