The story, set in Maebashi city in Gunma Prefecture, is about the coming-of-age story of five high school girls. First year high school student Yuina Akagi lives an ordinary but unsatisfying everyday life. One day, a mysterious frog named Keroppe scouts her and four other girls to become the "Maebashi Witches." Suddenly, a room closet is connected to a mysterious space that brings the girls to a magical flower shop where they sing, dance, and make other people's wishes come true.
Directing | Junichi Yamamoto | Series Director |
Writing | Erika Yoshida | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Nozomi Tachibana | Character Designer |
Sound | Yuri Habuka | Original Music Composer |
Costume & Make-Up | Miki Aizawa | Costume Design |
Art | Lin Junbun | Conceptual Design |
Art | Yasuhiro Kawai | Prop Designer |
Visual Effects | Oswald Kato | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Ami Kutsuna | Color Designer |
Art | Naoko Akuzawa | Art Direction |
Art | Susumu Namura | Art Designer |
Art | Miho Seri | Art Designer |
Art | Tetsuro Kodama | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Tetsuro Kodama | CGI Director |
Visual Effects | Shotaro Takahashi | Modelling Supervisor |
Editing | Tomoki Nagasaka | Editor |
Camera | Kenji Fujita | Director of Photography |
Sound | Hiroki Nozaki | Sound Effects |
Sound | Yukio Nagasaki | Sound Director |
Sound | Yuichi Morita | Recording Supervision |
Sound | Sakura Kasuga | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Hinano Sakikawa | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Rena Motomura | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Haruka Minami | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Honami Momose | Theme Song Performance |