The story follows Renji Kusakabe, a young man who works part time at a game center arcade. One day, Renji encounters an English girl named Lily, and the two of them trade diaries and begin an unlikely friendship of cultural exchange...
Writing | Yasunori Yamada | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Rikiya Okano | Character Designer |
Directing | Toshihiro Kikuchi | Series Director |
Art | Isamu Nishiyama | Art Direction |
Art | Kenta Masuda | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Yukiko Shigemitsu | Color Designer |
Editing | Mutsumi Takemiya | Editor |
Sound | Yasunori Ebina | Sound Director |
Sound | Kiyotaka Kawada | Sound Effects |
Sound | Shunpei Takeuchi | Sound Recordist |
Production | Wataru Matsuoka | Casting |
Sound | Takurou Iga | Original Music Composer |