A fantastical ancient Asian Empire is on the verge of destruction, torn apart by insidious rivalry. The only hope: a marriage between the handsome Heir to the Throne and a Princess from one of its feuding Kingdoms. As the competition to win the Prince's hand heats up, chaos reigns when a dazzling peasant girl named Xifeng is thrown into the romance wars by a vengeful sorceress. In this fairytale of love and power, will Xifeng be able to save not only herself…but the whole Empire?
Production | Gemma Chan | Executive Producer |
Production | Crystal Liu | Executive Producer |
Production | James Wong | Executive Producer |
Production | Viola Davis | Executive Producer |
Production | Julius Tennon | Executive Producer |
Production | Andrew Wang | Executive Producer |
Production | Forest Whitaker | Executive Producer |
Production | Nina Yang Bongiovi | Executive Producer |
Writing | Julie C. Dao | Book |
Production | Julie C. Dao | Co-Executive Producer |