A Jubilee of Music is a one-off BBC Television entertainment show lasting 75 minutes, broadcast on 31 December 1976 on BBC1. The show was produced to celebrate the British music successes of the first 25 years of Elizabeth II's reign, on the eve of 1977, the year of her Silver Jubilee. Some non-British artists also took part, performing their British hits. The show was produced and directed by Stewart Morris. It was recorded at BBC Television Centre in December 1976. Despite being a high-profile broadcast at the time, the show has since been lost from the BBC archive and has not been seen in the UK since its one and only transmission. It was shown on several European networks at the start of 1977, including Belgian, Dutch, German, Swedish and Norwegian TV, as well as several networks in Africa and the Antipodes. The show was hosted by Dame Vera Lynn, who opened the programme performing a medley of British hits spanning 1952 to 1976, by leading British songwriters. These included Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Leslie Bricusse, Lionel Bart, Don Black and Norman Newell. The medley ended with the UK's 1976 Eurovision Song Contest winner, "Save Your Kisses for Me".