The Martha Wright Show is a 15-minute musical variety program starring singer and actress Martha Wright which aired at 9:15 pm EST on ABC television from April 18 to December 5, 1954. The program was also known as The Packard Showroom for its sponsor, Packard automobiles. Joining Wright, a native of Seattle, Washington State, in her short-lived program were pianists Norman Paris, who wrote the theme song for the CBS game show I've Got a Secret, and trumpet player Bobby Hackett and his band. The Martha Wright Show replaced The Jane Pickens Show, which returned in July 1954, as Wright resumed her program in that time slot in September for a final three-month run. Jane Pickens Langley, a native of Macon, Georgia, was another vocalist of that era. Wright's series followed The Walter Winchell Show and aired opposite Ronald W. Reagan's General Electric Theater on CBS and the pair of NBC's alternating anthology series, Goodyear Television Playhouse and The Philco Television Playhouse.