Centered around a personally troubled, officially discredited police chief and his inharmonious police team in Ankara Police Force. Even though the show usually focuses on murders and other crimes that happens on a weekly basis, the undertone of the story leads to an eventual duel between Behzat Ç. and the rotten department officials and bureaucrats.
Art | Ergin Ozturk | Assistant Art Director |
Directing | Muhammed Ihsan Kaplan | Assistant Director |
Art | Burak Cetinkaya | Assistant Art Director |
Art | Özgür Sahin | Assistant Art Director |
Sound | Safa Gokhan Huylu | Sound |
Production | Canan Odacıl | Casting |
Production | Emre Hekim | Production Assistant |
Crew | Engin Hayıroğlu | Cinematography |
Sound | Ali Ören | Foley Artist |
Directing | Çigdem Karatas | Assistant Director |
Sound | Mutlu Karabulut | Boom Operator |
Sound | Sinem Orhan | Dialogue Editor |
Sound | Onur Özen | Audio Post Coordinator |
Production | Murat Güner | Line Producer |
Production | Ahmet Ziyalar | Producer |
Art | Yavuz Fazlioglu | Art Direction |
Camera | Vahap Akman | Director of Photography |
Costume & Make-Up | Bahar Özbek | Assistant Makeup Artist |
Art | Billur Melis Koç | Assistant Art Director |
Visual Effects | Mustafa Vangöl | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Costume & Make-Up | Ozge Cagla Genis | Costume Assistant |
Sound | Yunus Kumbaraci | Sound Assistant |
Visual Effects | Yusuf Bilisik | Visual Effects Assistant Editor |
Crew | Murat Aslan | Lighting Camera |
Production | Bugra Dellalbasi | Production Manager |
Visual Effects | M. Emin Urundas | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Camera | Selman Cankaya | Assistant Camera |
Visual Effects | Ahmet Cihan | Visual Effects |
Costume & Make-Up | Burcu Kahraman | Costume Assistant |
Directing | Tugce Demir | Assistant Director |
Production | Murat Muti | Production Assistant |
Production | Selin Hande Yasar | Coordinating Producer |
Production | Nazim Avar | Production Assistant |
Costume & Make-Up | Ozgur Eken | Hair Designer |
Art | Hasan Karatay | Set Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Ceylan Senbark | Costume Design |
Camera | Burak Emanet | First Assistant Camera |
Directing | Ahmet Karaman | Assistant Director |
Lighting | Onur Özseker | Gaffer |
Editing | Ömer Cebeci | Editor |
Production | Can Okan | Producer |
Writing | Ercan Mehmet Erdem | Writer |
Directing | Serdar Akar | Director |
Production | Tarkan Karlıdağ | Producer |
Sound | Pilli Bebek | Music |
Writing | Emrah Serbes | Writer |
Sound | CEM KISMET | Music |
Writing | Emrah Serbes | Screenstory |