Nikki and John Pranksters in Love is a web series created by Nikki Baker, 25, and John Dahl, 27. The webisodes revolve around revenge pranks conducted by the couple on one another, there are also a number of public pranks and pranks on family and friends. The couple have appeared on a number of television shows internationally including: MTV's "Pranked", ABC's "America's Funniest Home Videos", TruTV's Top 20 "Losers in Love", VH1's "Undateable", G4's "WebSoup: The Best Of 2009", TruTv's "The Smoking gun Presents: World's Dumbest Pranksters", CBS's "The Bonnie Hunt Show", RTL's "Explosiv", RTL's "Nikki and John Interview Special", ProSieben's "Taff", "RudeTube", "The Idiot Awards", "SLQH", "FujiTV".