In order to stop the mysterious "Penguin Empire" from interfering with world peace, secret organization "Prince Beauty Parlor" has developed a giant robot that is powered by a rare special energy source called "Hi-ERo particles." Organization member Kyōko Sonan has located an ordinary high school student, Kōichi Madanbashi, with high amounts of Hi-ERo particles, making him a suitable candidate to pilot of the giant robot. But there is only one way to release his particles: allow Madanbashi to persuade him with lewd behavior.
Sound | Masaaki Endoh | Theme Song Performance |
Writing | Takawo Yoshioka | Series Composition |
Directing | Tetsuya Yanagisawa | Series Director |
Sound | Ryousuke Nakanishi | Music |
Visual Effects | Junji Goto | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Junji Goto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Takahiro Yamada | Mechanical Designer |
Writing | Asaki Nakama | Comic Book |
Art | Asaki Nakama | Original Series Design |