Set in a world where witches run havoc, the military decides to shift from using sword to utilizing guns to neutralize magical threats. The Anti-Magic Academy is an institution that specializes in training witch hunters. Takeru Kusunagi, who can’t use guns and continues to fight with a sword, is relegated to the 35th Test Platoon, a motley group who can’t cooperate. One day, Ouka Ohtori, an elite pistol master who was forced into demotion, joins the platoon. Will they be able to gather their strengths and work together?
Sound | Junjou no Afilia | Theme Song Performance |
Writing | Touki Yanagimi | Original Series Creator |
Visual Effects | Kippu | Character Designer |
Writing | Haruko Momoi | Lyricist |
Production | Junichiro Tamura | Producer |
Editing | Kentaro Tsubone | Editor |
Visual Effects | Mika Akitaka | Mechanical Designer |
Art | Yukiko Maruyama | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Kousuke Kawamura | Character Designer |
Art | Shigemi Ikeda | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Yuu Sudou | 3D Director |
Camera | Atsushi Satou | Director of Photography |
Production | Chika Takagi | Producer |
Sound | Kanako Itou | Theme Song Performance |
Writing | Kanako Itou | Lyricist |
Sound | Yukinari Shioda | Music Producer |
Sound | A-bee | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Tomoyuki Kawamura | Series Director |
Sound | Toshiki Kameyama | Sound Director |
Visual Effects | Erika Tsukino | Color Designer |
Writing | Kento Shimoyama | Series Composition |
Art | Kippu | Original Series Design |
Writing | Touki Yanagimi | Novel |