Genre-bending comedy featuring Aunt Bernie, a meek, working-class woman who dies tragically in a home invasion. Compelled by sheer force of dissatisfaction, she comes back from the dead full of rage, determined to get the life she never had. She proceeds to inflict a range of demands on her immediate family who live in a low-end subsidized hellhole of a housing complex called Sea Oak.
Title | Air Date | Duration | ||
Season 1 | Episode 1 | Pilot | 2017-11-10 | 30 min |
Writing | George Saunders | Short Story |
Production | Hiro Murai | Executive Producer |
Production | Carmen Cuba | Casting |
Production | Glenn Close | Producer |
Art | Mylene Santos | Art Direction |
Art | Kelly McGehee | Production Design |
Editing | Isaac Hagy | Editor |
Production | Will Berson | Producer |
Production | Lori Keith Douglas | Producer |
Production | George Saunders | Executive Producer |
Camera | Christian Sprenger | Director of Photography |
Art | Jessica Petruccelli | Set Decoration |
Costume & Make-Up | Tere Duncan | Costume Design |
Sound | David Wingo | Music |
Production | Evan Dunsky | Executive Producer |
Production | Jonathan Krauss | Executive Producer |