In a far distant future a would-be master race seeks to dominate the galaxy. Against these merciless Afressians, mankind has just one hope: the mysterious female warrior know as Emeraldas. Driven by the tortured memory of her lost love, Emeraldas sails the Sea of Stars like a privateer of old, blasting forces of tyranny into atoms with an amazing array of futuristic weapons. But when the devious Commander Eldomain kidnaps a group of innocent civilians, Emeraldas is drawn into a deadly trap from which even she may not escape! State of the art computer animation techniques bring Leiji Matsumoto’s famous creation to stunning life in Queen Emeraldas!
Visual Effects | Keisuke Masunaga | Character Designer |
Art | Tadashi Kudo | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Katsumi Itahashi | Character Designer |
Writing | Mugi Kamio | Writer |
Visual Effects | Tatsuo Ryuno | Character Designer |
Directing | Yuji Asada | Series Director |
Sound | Michiru Oshima | Original Music Composer |