Set in the city of Nagasaki, the story takes place in a world where a miniscule amount of magic remains in everyday life. Hitomi Tsukishiro is a 17-year-old descendant of a witch family who grew up with stale emotions, as she lost her sense of color at a very young age. Feeling sorry for her granddaughter's future, Kohaku, a great witch, sends Hitomi to past, the year 2018. Through exchanges with her 17-year-old grandmother and her club members, the story follows Hitomi's growth as a person.
Writing | Yuko Kakihara | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Yuki Akiyama | Character Designer |
Directing | Toshiya Shinohara | Series Director |
Camera | Yoshimitsu Tomita | Director of Photography |
Sound | Yoshiaki Dewa | Original Music Composer |
Crew | Masahiro Murakami | Special Effects |
Crew | Sumie Murakami | Special Effects |
Visual Effects | Chie Kato | 2D Artist |
Editing | Ayumu Takahashi | Editor |
Sound | Jun Nishimura | Music Producer |
Production | Mitsutoshi Ogura | Producer |
Visual Effects | Yuki Akiyama | Supervising Animation Director |
Production | Hiroyuki Aoi | Producer |
Production | Toshihiro Maeda | Producer |
Visual Effects | Naomi Nakano | Color Designer |
Production | Shota Tanaka | Producer |
Production | Hitoshi Kawamura | Producer |
Production | Kenta Maeda | Associate Producer |
Production | Yutaka Kashiwagi | Producer |