One day, Taichi, an ordinary university student, meets Mioka, a girl who is like a storm. Taichi finds himself drawn to Mioka, who lives freely as she wishes without holding back, and they eventually fall in love. However, Mioka tells Taichi of her shocking truth. She has an incurable brain disease, with no medicine or treatment that can help her.
Production | Mamoru Koizumi | Producer |
Sound | Masaharu Fukuyama | Theme Song Performance |
Production | Masatoshi Katō | Producer |
Writing | Ira Ishida | Novel |
Directing | Masanori Matsuyama | Assistant Director |
Writing | Mika Umeda | Teleplay |
Sound | Yugo Kanno | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Jun Mizunashi | Director of Photography |
Production | Yoshiki Tanaka | Executive Producer |