The story begins with an orphan girl named Asma (Hina Altaf), abandoned by her mother, a maid. The mother left her to protect Asma from being sold by her alcoholic father. The mother asked her employer, Azra Mansoor, to raise Asma and she agrees. Asma enjoys doing all the work in the house rather than studying. She is considered a maid even though Asma considers herself a family member.
Directing | Saima Waseem | Director |
Writing | Shagufta Bhatti | Writer |
Sound | Ahsan Ali Taj | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Ali Tariq | Playback Singer |
Sound | Bushra Bilal | Playback Singer |
Writing | Sabir Zafar | Lyricist |
Sound | Hassan Munir | Original Music Composer |
Production | Momina Duraid | Producer |